Baby Face - Cute Interactive Virtual Babies — Instagram Filter Review
Published on Jun 27, 2020
| Filter name: "Baby Face"
Filter creator: WOW! Filters (@wowfilterscom)
"Baby Face" is a cute Instagram filter for kids and adults alike It features two super cute interactive virtual babies. You can interact with them and they even interact with each other. It' was inspired by Tamagochi and the virtual pet simulation app—no disrespect for the babies.
I use some visual elements like my Santa TWRK filter, where the character is positioned on an animated noise, your nose. Kind of like "Fingerlings" but instead of baby puppet toys on your fingers, they are on your nose in Augmented reality. You don't even need to go to Toys "R" Us to get some good virtual toy entertainment, it's all virtual and downloadable. It produces a more dynamic and entertaining visual experience.

How to use BABY FACE Filter?
The filter has some basic interactions, including the following:
- Tapping belly - cause the baby to start laughing.
- Shake head (sideways) - annoys the baby and he/she will start crying.
- Say "Papa"/"Mama" - can make the baby repeat after you (he doesn't always get it right though, he is a baby after all)
- Nodding head (up/down) - will make the baby fall asleep.
- Blink - baby will blink
- Bringing a friend - if another person enters the frame, Sophie will appear on the other person's nose. Chiko will get excited as well!
These are the available interactions, I am planning to add more in the future.
One of the important things to me when I developed it, is to make the babies, although just images, come to life in the real world. Iw ant the experience to be effortless and accessible. This is why the interactions are made using simple face gestures. Although this is what Spark AR supports at the moment for Instagram, I still would have used it nonetheless. This makes it easy for children to interact with and make it a great Augmented Reality (AR) experience for parents and their children.
This reminds me of my experience with an accessory like the Merge Cube. It's not tactile but is more comfortable and the fact that it happens on your face makes it more personal and more fascinating in my opinion. Especially when two people are using it together.
Just keep in mind that you don't need a second phone to enjoy both Sophie and Chiko together—just one phone, either an iPhone (iOS) or Android mobile phone.
Fun Filter for Two Persons
Right now, the Baby Face IG effect supports two persons. When you use it alone, you'll be using the baby Chiko. When a friend comes along, he or she will be getting Sophie. You can switch, of course, letting your friend enter the camera frame first and you second.
One of the cutest things in this baby filter, in my opinion, is when Chiko meets Sophie. When your friend will appear in front of the camera, Chiko will get excited, and a short love tune will sound.
Baby Face also features a mode (using the menu at the bottom), which allows you to view Chiko and Sophie with your head instead of theirs. If another friend joins in, each one of you gets the other one's face as the baby's face on his nose. Try it out, it's so funny.
A Great filter for Kids
When I developed the "Baby Face" Instagram filter, I did aim to make it entertaining and accessible for kids. However, it's fun for all ages. I was so entertained when making it. I laughed so much each time I tested it on my phone when making it using Facebook's Spark AR Studio.
If you are searching for a great Instagram filter for kids and teens or you are one, you have to try out Baby Face Instafilter.
How to get BABY FACE filter?
The 'Baby Face' filer is an Instagram camera effect. So first, you need to make sure you have Instagram installed on your Android or iPhone mobile phone.
Second, please update your Instagram to your latest version. This ensures you'll see filters developed with the latest version of Spark AR.
Now you have several options. First, follow me (@wowfilterscom) on Instagram and you'll get all of my effects. Second, click the TRY button at the end of this article. This will download and launch the filter directly in your IG camera app. Third, visit my Instagram profile and tab the 'filters' tab, the one with the emoji/smiley icon.
Make sure you save the filter, so you can use it online anytime you want, even without Internet connectivity.
If for some reason the Instagram filter doesn't work on your device, contact me on Instagram and I'll help you out.
I can't see the Baby Face Filter on Instagram, What Should I Do?
If you can't see the 'Baby Face' Instagram filter under the filter's tab on my Instagram profile, this might be to several reasons. Here are some of the things you can do to make sure it works on your phone.
- Update your Instagram app to the latest version. This ensures that you can see Instafilters developed using the latest version of Spark AR. Visit the App Store or Google Play and update Instagram.
- Browse @wowfilterscom profile from a mobile phone, not a desktop browser. You can't see the filter's tab when browsing on a standard browser, online mobile.
- Try closing Instagram to launch the app again and see if that works for you.
- Try reinstalling the Instagram app. This and making sure you have the latest version usually solve the issues for most people.
- If you still have issues, contact me on IG and I'll try to help further.
Upcoming New Features
As the developer of the 'Baby Face' filter, I'll be glad to listen to your feedback and add more features. I am working very fast so you won't need to wait long for new cool features to be available.
As I mentioned before, contact me on Instagram and tell me what other features you want me to add and I'll consider adding it.
Support WOW! Filters
I've worked hard to bring you unique, interesting, and fun experiences. If you enjoy them, please share it with others. What keeps me going and enables me to do it is that more people are exposed to my digital creations. Without that, it would be very hard to continue doing what I do.
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram as well. This way, you can see when I post something new, like updates for Baby Face filter or new filters. Also, if you are using this virtual baby simulation filter, you can tag me in your IG stories, and I'll repost it on my Instagram as well.
I hope you enjoy using the 'Baby Face' effect. Have fun and know that more cool things are coming, so stay tuned. Thank you so much for visit WOW! Filters and reading my post. Cheers.
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