No Teeth Funny Face Effect — Instagram Filter Review
Published on Mar 2, 2020
| Filter name: "No Teeth"
Filter creator: WOW! Filters (@wowfilterscom)
'No Teeth' is an Instagram filter created using Facebook's Spark AR Studio that literally makes you look like you have no front upper teeth. You start with a small teeth gap virtual effect and you can tap to expand it so it appears like you have no teeth.

This 'No Teeth' camera effect is available for both Instagram and Facebook camera apps. Just tap the one that you want to use using the following links to start using it, either IG camera app or FB camera app.
At the start, it gives you an idea of how you would look like if you had a gap in your front upper teeth, but you are just a few taps away to see how you would look like with some front teeth missing.
If you intend to use it on Facebook, scan this QR code with your smartphone to start using it.

This effect was made to be funny, although teeth issues are serious business. This Instagram 'No Teeth' effect is very simple. Just make sure the selfie camera of your iPhone or Android phone is facing your face and then just open your mouth and put a smile for the camera. Again, at any moment you can tap the screen to make more teeth appear like they are missing.
I hope you enjoy this funny Augmented Reality face effect. Use it to make some funny TikTok videos, like singing with it, combine it with El Risitas laugh in the background, do something surprising, etc. Enjoy and have fun!
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