Happy New Year Fireworks Display — Instagram Filter Review
Published on Dec 4, 2019
| Filter name: "Happy New Year"
Filter creator: WOW! Filters (@wowfilterscom)
'Happy New Year' is an Instagram and Facebook filter made by me especially for New Year's Eve. Unlike the '2020 Fireworks' version, the date is omitted and therefore it can be used on any New Year's date, whether it's for 2021, 2022 and so on. It does, however, have the text "Happy New Year".
This filter was designed to help you celebrate New Year's Eve and send a cool Augmented Reality greeting video to friends, colleagues, family, and online buddies. No matter whether you are in Japan (like myself), the United States, Canada, Spain, Germany, China or Italy for that matter—you can celebrate with anyone in the world.

Because this filter doesn't include any other text other than "Happy New Year", it can be used for Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) 2020 and on, Tamil New Year (தமிழ்ப்புத்தாண்டு), Japanese New Year, Cambodian's (Khmer: បុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំថ្មី) and any other celebration of this type.
Before AR came about and became well known and used (quite a few years back), I just sought for some text greetings to send to friends. I transferred it either via Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, or via email. However, now that we have Augmented Reality technology, we can send so many more wondrous and imaginative greetings that we were never able to send before this technology clicked into our lives.

When I created the "Happy New Year" Instagram filter, I thought about just that. I wanted to create a filter that will make both the user enjoy using and sharing it, and the other side enjoys receiving and viewing it.
I won't be here in Japan to enjoy the new year's eve party of 2020, but maybe in 2021, we'll see. Of course, a new year, more filters. By that time, I hope that I'll be able to fluently develop with Snapchat Lens Studio software, so I can deliver camera effects for you on that platform as well.
That's it for now, my friends. I hope you find this Instagram AR Happy New Year greeting card exciting to use. If you did, please don't forget to follow me on Instagram and WOW! Filters Facebook Page, so you get notified when I release new filters and get them directly to your effect's list. Thanks for reading and see you on the next IG effect — Happy New Year!
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