Joker Clown Face Mask for Halloween — Instagram Filter Review
Published on Oct 29, 2019
| Filter name: "Joker"
Filter creator: WOW! Filters (@wowfilterscom)
"Joker" is an Instagram face mask inspired by the supervillain character in the movie The Dark Knight played by Heath Ledger. I was always fascinated by this Joker character. As a fan of the series, I thought about creating an Instagram filter that allows anyone to become a Joker-style looking character or just a creepy clown for Halloween. In fact, I made this makeup filter especially for Halloween 2019!
My Joker Instagram filter features realistic-looking makeup. This means that it won't look "digital" and will impress your friends. There are no additions, so you can record yourself in a video or take a picture with the real-world surroundings. Your joker Halloween videos will look awesome with it.
Here are two photos of me that I took in Halloween 2019 in Osaka, Japan; wearing the 'Joker' face filter.

As with the current interest in the latest film Joker (2019) with Joaquin Phoenix, people got even more fascinated by this amazing fictional character.

The Joker character in the new 'Joker' movie has a different mask, that more resembles one of clown makeup. Each mask is different depends on the film, but there is a strong resemblance between them.
The one used in The Dark Knight is a more grubby and a smudged variant of the one used by Jared Leto in the movie 'Suicide Squad'. It is more similar to the one used by Cameron Monaghan in the 'Gotham' (4x18) TV series 'The Joker is Born' and that used by Cesar Romero in the Batman TV Series.
Joaquin Phoenix still has that large red smearing around the mouth, but with an added blue triangle shapes above and below the eyes, red eyebrows and red nose makeup. I personally prefer the makeup aesthetics one used by Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's Batman and of course, the legendary Joker character played by Heath Ledger in 'The Dark Knight'.
For me, Heath Ledger Joker was the best Joker performance I've ever seen in any movie or TV series hands down. The face mimics, the dirtied clown makeup AR mask, and the generally horrific look of it is something that I cannot forget.
How can I get the Joker Instagram filter?
Check out @wowfilterscom Instagram's filter list. This Instagram filter is simple, all you have to do is just activate the 'Joker' face IG effect and you can see yourself with a Joker face mask and make some entertaining acting and share it as a video with your friends on Instagram. Why not say "Why so serious.". I think you'll enjoy it.
How can I get the Facebook Joker filter?
You can also try the Facebook version of this Joker makeup filter if you are using Facebook.
More filters are coming, I hope you enjoy this one, have fun and see you again soon. Don't forget to follow @wowfilterscom on Instagram, I have plenty of other amazing filters there as well, cheers.
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