Dvoshansky Flying Face Blinking Game — Instagram Filter Review
Published on May 25, 2019
| Filter name: "Flying Faces"
Filter creator: dvoshansky
I came across Dvoshansky's 'Flying Face; filter on Spark AR community on Facebook. For those of you who don't know, Flying Face is an IG filter game that resembles Flappy Bird, an arcade mobile game that was developed by Dong Nguyen under the company dotGears. Flappy Bird was released on May 24, 2013, for iOS and Android platforms.
Dvoshansky's Flying Bird is very similar. You need to control a bird and make it fly through green pillars while avoid colliding them. You have only single health, which means if you collide with the pillar or your bird touches the bottom of the screen it's game over and you'll need to start all over again. The goal is to try to get the highest score possible on a single run.

That being said, there are some differences between the two. First of all, Flying Face is a Spark AR filter, which means it can only be played on Instagram (I haven't found any Facebook effect version of this game yet) I did try to put the filter numerical Id in the URL of FB Camera effects but it didn't work, it said "Can't Connect". This wasn't released to Facebook just yet. If I find more information about it I'll update this review with the new information.
Second, Dvoshansky took advantage of the available features in Spark AR and designed this game to be played using face gestures, eye blinking to be exact. Instead of tapping on the screen to make the bird fly vertically, you blink with your eyes. Flappy Bird is reborn in an Instagram filter and it is played using a facial gesture, blinking. Keep in mind that although the game plays similar to Flappy Bird, it's not from the same developer.
There are a few more things that Dvoshansky added to this game. He made so players can play with each other on the same phone. I didn't try it yet but if you have a friend near you, invite him or her to play with you on the same phone, I'm sure it's going to be a blast to play like that.
Another thing is that an image of your face appears instead of the bird's face, which is quite funny. Again, using Spark AR unique features to reimagine this popular arcade game in augmented reality.
I've played several augmented reality games on Instagram, and although there are simple, they turned out to be very entertaining. In fact, most of the time I don't have spare time to play long session games, so having some short games to play on Instagram is something I enjoy during a break.
So how you can download/unlock Flying Face Instagram filter to your mobile phone?
It's very simple. You need to follow Dvoshansky's Instagram profile and then the filter will appear in your filter's list. You can follow Dvoshansky's profile via a web browser or through the Instagram mobile app, but keep in mind that you can only play the game on the Instagram app, not through a browser. At least I don't know any way to play it on a browser.
There is another option to try the filter without following, which is by tapping on the Try this filter button on this page. We do recommend following the filter creator of course. By following Dvoshansky, you'll unlock his current IG filters (I think there are seven of them as of the time of writing) and future ones.
Overall, I think that the best thing you can do is just launch the game and play. Some of you might find it a bit irritating playing a Flappy Bird game by blinking with your eyes, but I'm sure that there will be many that will enjoy that extra weight on the difficulty and will find this variation even more challenging. This game is still addictive but unfortunately, there is no global leaderboard, so you can't compare your highest score against other players from all around the world. I do hope that in the future such functionality will be enabled.
I hope you enjoy my second review of Dvoshansky's Flying Face Instagram game and I hope you'll have fun playing it.
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